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CO2 Conversion to value-added product

Overcoming challenges in electrochemical CO2 reduction, a micro-structured reactor is being developed to achieve high current densities (>250 mA/cm2) and maximize energy efficiency. The team's novel electrode has demonstrated the production of 10,000 ppm of formic acid in 12 hours with low energy consumption. Ongoing efforts focus on optimizing electrode structures and catalysts under elevated temperature and pressure for performance beyond the current state-of-the-art. Additionally, a novel continuous cell design is underway, considering feed type to impact the overall cost-effectiveness of CO2 electrochemical reduction.

Objectives And Goals

  • Development of electrocatalyst for electrochemical CO2 reduction.
  • Stack Design and Cell Optimization.
  • Design, development and optimization of large scale CO2 electrolyzer.
  • Techno-economic analysis of the developed electrochemical CO2 reduction developed.


  • 5 Journal Papers Published
  • 5 Conference Papers
  • 1 Invited Talk

Our Team

Dr. Muftah El-Naas

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (LPI)

Contact: info@example.com

Dr. Deepak Pant

Role: Flemish Institute for Technological Research, VITO (PI)

Contact: info@example.com

Dr. Mazen Khaled

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (PI)

Contact: info@example.com

Dr. Muneer M. Ba-Abbad

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (PI)

Contact: info@example.com

Dr. Muhammad Arsalan

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (Postdoc)

Contact: info@example.com

Miss. Dina Ewis

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (Research Assistant)

Contact: info@example.com

Mr. Nafis Mahmud

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (PhD student)

Contact: info@example.com

Mr. Zeyad Ghazi

Role: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University (Master student)

Contact: info@example.com

Contact Us

For inquiries or collaborations, feel free to contact us at info@example.com.