A Road map towards a circular carbon economy in Qatar: Aligning the market and policy mechanisms.
Through this sub-cluster, we provide a comprehensive analysis through quantitative, behavioral, and experimental lenses of the public policy measures for the CCU in Qatar. The study includes a detailed estimation of the public perception/awareness, public policy measures, and market mechanism of CCU in Qatar. In this regard, we use complementary tools (Cost-Benefit analysis tools, quantitative methods, field experiments for the public policy measures, and a carbon price mechanism supported by the technology platform in addition to the Augmented Questionnaire for a representative sample).
Objectives And Goals
- Explore the status of market mechanisms for limiting CO2 worldwide and how well they have performed.
- Analyze the pros and cons of different regulatory alternatives from an efficiency, administrative and equity point of view.
- Understanding the public perception of carbon pricing in Qatar.
- Provide an appropriate policy mechanism for carbon pricing in Qatar.
- Based on the previous outcomes, we provide a road map towards a circular economy in Qatar.
- Patent in process (TRL3)
- Created centralized auction platform for carbon permits
Our Team
Mr. Ahmed Ashraf Abdou Abdullateef Abdou
Role: Qatar University, Undergraduate Student
Contact: info@example.com
Mr. Abdollah Feisal Abdollah Haji Kandrani
Role: Qatar University, Undergraduate Student
Contact: info@example.com
Mr. Aly Ahmed Mohamed Shehata Soliman
Role: Qatar University, Undergraduate Student
Contact: info@example.com
Mr. Muhammad Fauzan Aristya Putra
Role: Qatar University, Undergraduate Student
Contact: info@example.com
Contact Us
For inquiries or collaborations, feel free to contact us at aliabdelkh@qu.edu.qa.